ABOVE: Rebecca (Mrs. Representative to the Assembly Joel) Kleefish shooting clay pigeons
(Could you see Barbara Lawton doing that?)
(Or Margaret Farrow?)
Special to the Readers of Plenty of Horne
By Michael Horne
And the Plenty of Horne Hound Dog Team
By Michael Horne
On her website, RebeccaForReal.com, former television anchor and Republican Lieutenant Governor candidate Rebecca Kleefish adopts a Sarah Palinesque persona while shooting sporting clays (with Atty. Mike Hupy, of all people!)
On her Facebook page, she cites Psalm 20:7:
“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.”
Remind you of a former Alaska governor?
In her new, red, white and blue television ad, though, Kleefish makes it clear she won’t be relying on chariots, horses or “an $800 million high-speed train” to get her to work “fixing” Madison.
“I’m a mom,” she tells us. “I have a minivan.”
O.K. We get it.
Well, if the mode of one’s commute to work is a relevant subject for a campaign for the state of Wisconsin’s second-highest office, it is fair to ask, “Why wouldn’t she drive to work with her husband, Rep.Joel Kleefish [R-38]?
Joel is nowhere to be found in the ad, and is but a minor player in Rebecca’s website biography page, where he is introduced as a young reporter “whose quick rise to a Top 30 TV market interested her,” then promptly forgotten.
The candidate’s bio pays homage ancestors as far back as her Great Great Great Grandparents, including the formidably named Horatio Gates Howard Reed, builder of a railroad. She cites other ancestors and their enterprises before launching on a breathless account of her career enterprises, starting in childhood filing invoices for dad and choosing names for the pastel papers he produced. She goes on to talk about her tv stint and “contract work in marketing, public relations and media,” along with her duties as a Sunday school teacher.
“Becky arranged freelance work when Joel was home to watch Ella and Violet.” Sounds like Joel is Todd Palin, sitting on a sofa, and not a full-time legislator / career politician and dynasty builder..
So, with no mention of her husband’s service in the legislature, Kleefish is trying to avoid the stigma of being what Mark Neumann, her possible running mate, might call “a political insider.” And there is nothing Palinesque about that.
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